How Kanye West is An Embarrassment to African Americans and All of the United States
I was just minding my own business when I received a text message from a friend, a meme of Kanye West and his “perfections” versus Joe Biden, in regards to the 2020 Presidential Election. My initial response was to dismiss this idea, as I haven’t heard any platform ideas, and that he has already missed the filing deadline for 6 states. What transpired after was what really took me for a loop.
This friend that texted me, said that Kanye has his vote, which took me by surprise, because he had since told me he supported Donald Trump for re-election, that President Trump has improved the way of life for all Americans. Of course, many of us beg to differ there, for different reasons, however I still proceeded to ask said friend what Kanye can bring to the table, to help all Americans, but this friend said that he’s black, noting that he’s “A real black man not a half cake like Obama”. Someone’s definitely aiming to get my attention with this claim.
My response to said claim was “wow okay”, yet this conversation must get better. The reply I received to that was “stop being racist”, and that was all I needed to set the record straight. Inquiring into how I am racist, I get the following texts: “U saying u won’t vote for him”, “hes the real deal”, “U also said no to Carson”, and “I feel like you only like white old men”.
As one can decipher, there’s clearly a communication barrier, as we can determine easily with a overall lack of political knowledge. Anyone can simply go to Google and determine that Kanye West’s late announcement comes with no policy goals, no campaigning for votes, no true enthusiasm to represent the United States. In fact, it goes to show what we all saw in 2009 at the Video Music Awards is still true Kanye, willing to show up randomly, like a garden gnome, looking for any attention to stay relevant.
If anything, Kanye is embarrassing himself. It seems to be that he seeks the African American vote, but when it comes to African Americans voting, there is a decided lack of enthusiasm in even considering him as a viable candidate. We haven’t forgotten that he, along with Candace Owens, Lynette Hardaway and Rochelle Richardson (Diamond and Silk), are the only African American celebrities endorsing President Trump. Their dedication to this brand, this false prophet, is a complete shame, and embarrassment, which history will not forget any time soon. It’s sad that they all choose to sell out minorities, their own race, just to help further the white man’s journey, more that 150 years after Emancipation Proclamation, and it’s a shame that white privileged men will accuse us as minorities of being racist for not supporting any ideas which don’t further the cause for all humans.